CCM® Certificate and Products

You passed the exam or have renewed your credential, now show it off! 

INTRODUCING the NEW Wallet Cards!

wallet card


Other Products Available

Additional products

Placing an order for a duplicate certificate or new product: All orders are placed through the Award Group website. If you have previously logged into the Award Group, please use the existing credentials that they have sent you. If you have never placed an order with the Award Group, please contact us at

Complimentary Certificates when you renew your CCM or pass the exam: Complimentary certificates are mailed after passing the exam and then when you renew. You are only mailed one certificate at that time. If you need a duplicate copy, you will be charged a fee. Please allow up to 4 - 6 weeks after the end of the examination window or your current renewal expiration date to receive an email from the Award Group with instructions on how to order your certificate. 

If you have not received your complimentary certificate email from the Award group, please search your spam folder and/or search from a sender email, If you still can not find the email, please visit From there you can enter your email address that is on file for CCMC and choose "Forgot password" to be sent a link to reset your password and log in. 


Phone: 212.473.7000 ext. 348
Fax: (212) 566-2600